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  • Writer's pictureJoshua

Interview with an Artist - Chiara Tricarico

Updated: Mar 5, 2021

In 2019, while scrolling around on my Spotify's discove playlist, I came across the track titled "The Butterfly Effect" by the band with the name Moonlight Haze. The song got me hooked to their style of symphonic power metal with the elements of oriental-folk with the use of the Chinese instrument of the Guzheng that it left me wanting more from this band, only to relaxed they just came into the metal scene not too long ago, which gave me the opportunity to interview four out of the five members to ask them about this group.

Formed by Chiara Tricarico and Guilo Capone who were both members of Temperance, and rest of the line-up composed of veterans in the Italian metal scene such as Elvenking, Sound Storm, Teodasia, and Overtures, coming together and play powerful metal songs with great melodies, catchy choruses and some folk nuances that give them a very distinctive feel. Their debut album "De Rerum Natura" was released that same summer and it left me impressed! Now a year later, they have announced that the second album is now on its way, I wanted to take a chance to catch up and chat with the lovely singer Chiara Tricarico to talk about "Lunaris" and what she been up to.


Joshua: “Hi Chiara, it’s a pleasure to talk to you again! It’s been almost a year since our last interview and the release of ‘De Rerum Natura’, how’s everything since then before the current situations? Chiara: “Hi Joshua, I’m fine and I hope you are as well. Given the current international situation, I feel very lucky that all my family and friends are healthy and safe. The end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 have been quite busy for me, and I am currently working hard to keep up with all the deadlines despite the current emergency.

Joshua: “I’m fine as well, thank you for asking! I’m relieved to hear that you and your family are safe and healthy during these troubling times... As we know about what’s going on in Italy, how have you been passing the time?”

Chiara: “I have been on lockdown for more than one month, now. I’m going out only to go grocery shopping, which means more or less every ten days, usually. It’s a big effort to plan the food shopping in order not to go to the supermarket too often, but it is very important for the health of everyone to try to do so. There are many things just like this that you don’t usually think of that have become of big importance during this harsh time.

I’m spending most of the time practicing, working online with my singing students, and writing new music. But also, I have more time to meditate about all the things that we sometimes give for granted, like meeting my family in my hometown, my friends and to go outside for a walk: all of these everyday actions are forbidden at the moment, and maybe now I really get the importance and meaning of them. I can say that trying to take the good out of this situation, I am finding much inspiration during this hard time.

I am also challenging myself trying to improve my cooking skills which are, despite the fact that I am Italian, very, very bad aha!”

Joshua: “Haha, I’m with you on the cooking part! We’re having some similar regulations currently being placed and I really missed going outside, but we’ll just have to wait out and see. Anyways, now that the release of the new album is approaching, how are you feeling about it?”

Chiara: “I am very looking forward to Lunaris’ being released. We have put so much effort and passion in it and we are super-proud about the result that we really can’t wait!

Joshua: “I'm too very excited about this next release! When I finished reviewing it for Lyrical Spell Magazine, the last album left me with such a great impression that it received a perfect score. 😉

Chiara: “Ohoh, I am curious to read your review now!

Joshua: “It’s been almost since the band’s debut; how would you describe the progression of the band’s sound?

Chiara: “I think our music has evolved quite a lot, even if it has been less than one year since the release of the debut. ‘De Rerum Natura' was born, I would say, almost for fun: when Giulio and I had started composing it, we didn’t even have the band lineup completed and we didn’t know if the album was meant to be released. But in the last year, we got to know each other better and better and so the composing and recording sessions of ‘Lunaris’ went even more smoothly than for DRN. In addition to this, the super-positive feedback from the audience gave us so much energy that we felt very inspired to write new material."

Joshua: “You guys were really quick to get back into the studio, that midnight oil didn’t finish that quickly? Haha! Chiara: “Ahahaha, right!"

Joshua: “At this given point in time, how would you describe your music to someone who is just coming across this band? Chiara: “I would say that Moonlight Haze is a blend of power and symphonic metal with many electro and folk influences.”

Joshua: “The album 'Lunaris' is slated for June release, what can you share in terms of lyrical content and the style in this sophomore release?”

Chiara:I’d say that ‘Lunaris’ is an energetic and positive album. The lyrical themes are, as my usual, quite introspective, but there is also room for legends and more ‘light’ themes.

We have worked even more on melody and on the synergy between vocals and instrumental parts. I’m pretty sure there are some choruses you will hardly get out of your head!”

Joshua: “Oooh, that sounds exciting! And what would you say is the main inspiration behind the music of 'Lunaris'? Chiara: “As in the previous album, nature and human inner reality are a big source of inspiration for us.

Joshua: “Going back to the last album really quick, are there any reactions you know that left a surprising reaction on fans, maybe even yourselves? Chiara: “As I was previously saying, when we started this band, we had no idea about what to expect, both from us and from the audience. But our debut album has been welcomed in a very positive way, so we couldn't be prouder and happier.

Joshua: “Did you guys expect it to do better or outdid all expectations? Chiara: “It definitely outdid all expectations. Joshua: “I believe so too, you guys really did a great job in the first album. So, is there anything new on this album that you believe will make ‘Lunaris’ special? Chiara: “Yes, we have experimented even more on this album, so everything is more ‘extreme’ compared to DRN. I think this is because we simply felt more confident about the band and about our music. So, more guitar solos, more different vocals styles, more folk and electro influences, more catchy choruses… Joshua: “What do you hope fans will take away from the album? Chiara: “I really hope the audience will get the positive message and the energy of the album. I mean, music has always helped me going through tough times and understanding new aspects of myself and of reality, and I really hope our songs will do the same for anyone who is willing to get the message. Joshua: “I’m really looking forward to hearing that. So, I feel like it’s too early to ask this but, what has been your favorite piece from the album, or what do you think which song(s) will excite listeners? Chiara: “As I always say, it's like asking a mother which is her favorite child, aha! Every single song on the album has its very own meaning and I put a piece of my heart and soul in each and every one of them, so this is a very hard question. What I can say is that ‘Till the End’ gives me much energy, ‘The Rabbit of the Moon’ and ‘Under Your Spell’ make me daydream, and ‘Lunaris’ gives me a sense of deep inner peace."

Joshua: “The way you answered that is great, rather than saying favorites you gave an audio image of what songs to expect. Now that we got a good amount of information on the album, I want to talk a little bit about you as a songwriter. what has changed on the way you approach the music? Chiara: “By now, I can say that I feel completely free to express myself and that I love the synergy we created with all the other guys in the band. As you probably know, Giulio and I are the main composers of the music, but I really think that the outcome of both our albums wouldn’t have been the same without the precious collaboration between all the five members of the band.

Joshua: “I agree, if you can't get input from the other members, the music will be at a dissonance instead of great harmonies. You might have a great answer to this next question; what do you think makes a good songwriter and what makes a good musician? Chiara: “This is something I always say to my singing students, and I think it is valid for every musician: it is obviously important to know your instrument and to have a good technique, but this is only a way get more means by which to bring a message to the audience. So, having something real to say is what makes a good musician/songwriter. Who cares about a guitarist playing fast solos, a singer who can reach very high or low notes, and so on if there’s no message and no emotion behind it all?

Joshua: “I believe that question should always be asked if one is seeking a professional music career. Mentioning students, you're also a music teacher, what do you mostly focus on in your repertoires?

Chiara: “Anything from classical to pop music.

Joshua: “This might be a trivial question asking a singer and a music teacher, but do you have any musical training yourself?

Chiara: “Yes, I have been studying operatic singing for many years and also modern singing. But I can say that this process never ends and I'm always willing to learn something new and to improve myself in many different vocal styles.”

Joshua: “What are some go-to pieces to help develop skills and what do you admire most in specific composers that shaped your musical vision?

Chiara: “Oh, too many to be mentioned. What I can say is that I think that it is very useful for a musician to listen to many different musical styles and not to focus only on one.”

Joshua: “How demanding is it to balance your personal job and your professional career?

Chiara: “Very demanding, indeed! I don’t have much free time. Not at all, actually, aha!

Joshua: “That’s the life of musicians, I understand that! What is something you think people don’t understand what it takes to be a musician?”

Chiara: “Well, many people don’t even think being a musician or a music teacher is an actual job so… many things, actually, aha!

Joshua: “So, let’s say if you weren’t a singer, would you fall back on being a full-time music teacher, or do you have any other passions or professions you’d pursue?

Chiara: “I would probably be a scientific researcher since I got a master's degree in Molecular Biology some years ago…

Joshua:Thank you so much for answering those questions, now let’s talk a little bit outside of Moonlight Haze. You’re also in RavenWord, which just released a 'one-time' album and I want to know, is it going to be a one-time gig?”

Chiara: “I can confirm that! We put all the material written in the past years for the band and collected it all in this one-time studio album.

Joshua: “Thanks for answering my ever-growing curiosity. In RavenWord, we get the merge of power metal with gothic lyrics. What’s the creative difference between RavenWord and Moonlight Haze?”

Chiara: “The influences are very different in the two bands and RavenWord are way more ‘Gothic’ and ‘old school’ (also because most of the songs have been written many years ago!).”

Joshua: “It definitely feels old school, it gave me some Oceanborn-vibes. And there’s your other band Sound Storm that shares a similar sound, where you joined in 2018 and released an album that same year. Anything cooking up in the studio right now?”

Chiara: “Yes, definitely! We are working hard on the writing of the new album!

Joshua: “While being in multiple bands and expanding your creative mind, have you thought to yourself each of the processes and say 'hey, I think (x) should fit in (x)'?”

Chiara: “Being in multiple bands for me means that I can show different sides of myself with each one of them, so yes, some stuff that might fit for a band might not for the others.

Joshua: “So on your OWN time, an exciting part in your career is that you got to perform live alongside the great Tarja! How was the show?”

Chiara: “Oh yes, a very exciting part, actually. The shows were amazing and I couldn’t be happier and prouder of being part of them.”

Joshua: “I’m very happy for you! Was it Tarja herself that reached out to you or was it by other staff members?

Chiara: “It was Tarja who wanted me to be part of those very special shows to celebrate 15 years of a solo career. Considering that she has always been one of my all-time favorite singers and a big influence for me… well, it has been a great honor for me to join her!”

Joshua: “To make it more commemorative, I heard the performances were recorded and planned to be on a live DVD, is that true?

Chiara: “It looks so, aha!"

Joshua: “Speaking of live performance, though we’re under a pandemic, we’re any shows being planned for Moonlight Haze that might’ve gotten pushed back for health and safety reasons?

Chiara: “We actually have some, but everything feels so uncertain at the moment…

Joshua: “Do you think in the future we’ll see a livestream performance if possible?

Chiara: “Well, why not? We are very willing to bring out music worldwide and if it will not be possible to do it in person, why not use technology?

Joshua: “Onto the final stretch of our interview. Why does the world need Moonlight Haze?

Chiara: “Remember the ‘message’ thing I was talking about during this interview? Well, I can definitely say that we put much of ourselves in our music, so it is very genuine.

Joshua: “Outside of the business aspect, how has music affected you personally?

Chiara: “I can say that music has shaped me and helped me through many hard times in my life, so I wouldn't be the same (in all the good and bad sides) if it wasn’t for it.”

Joshua: “How would you continue the sentence;music is…'?

Chiara: “My way to communicate things that otherwise, being a very shy person, I wouldn’t ever be able to express. It’s my native language.

Joshua: “We have reached the end of our interview, is there anything you’d like to say for our readers?

Chiara: “I really want to say to all the people out there who are suffering because of the current situation: stay strong and stay safe. We will make it and we will be able to meet and hug each other and to party all together very soon! But now we all have to stay at home to defeat this disease so that we can go back to normal life very soon! And to concerts, of course! Hope to meet you all on the road very soon.” 

Joshua: “I appreciate your responses and time, Chiara. Thank you so much and I wish you all the best!

Chiara: “Thank you very much for your time Joshua.”


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